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We have a proven track record in respect of all the areas of law practised over many years. Our recent successes include, the settlement of a negligence claim brought against the Sisters of Nazareth in Derry, for £35,000, the settlement of a medical negligence claim of over £300,000 and two acquittals in one of the longest running trials in the history of Northern Ireland.
Brian Archer has over 22 years legal experience. Throughout his legal career he has represented clients who have sustained personal injury as a result of road traffic accidents, industrial accidents and industrial disease, and injury sustained as a result of tripping accidents on the footpath or roadway.
We will advise you at each stage of your case, from taking instructions to settling your case or going to court. At Archer Solicitors, we pride ourselves in settling the vast majority of personal injury claims without the need of going to court so that our clients avoid the stressful experience and worry which naturally comes from attending a hearing.
Brian Archer is an experienced Family Law Practitioners and will conduct your case through the Family Proceedings Court, Family Care Centre and High Court. In cases involving children, we will advise you on issues such as contact, care and residence applications.
We regularly act for clients whose children are made subject of Care Orders applied for by Social Services. We also act for clients at the pre- proceedings stage.
If domestic violence is an issue then we offer a 24 hour advice line and we will arrange for your protection by an emergency Non-Molestation and Occupation Order.
We will advise you on all aspects of your matrimonial case such as maintenance and ancillary relief involving the division of assets resulting from divorce.
Brian Archer is a Specialist Family Law Practitioner representing children on behalf of the Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency.
Archer Solicitors offer a 24 hour call-out service to our clients who are arrested and detained by the PSNI. We will attend with you at any Police Station throughout Northern Ireland and advise you as to your legal rights. This service is free of charge to you, and is presently funded by the Legal Services Commission.
We will represent you before the Magistrates Court in respect of bail applications or contested hearings. Where the case proceeds on Indictment to the Crown Court, we will fully prepare your case, whether a plea of guilty or trial. You can feel fully confident that you will have an experienced legal team and indeed, we recently represented two clients before Belfast Crown Court in one of the longest running criminal trials in Northern Irish legal history. Both clients were completely acquitted of all charges.
With the increasing pressure and demands placed on the National Health Service, it is apparent that patients do not receive the necessary standard of care. When this happens it can have a devastating effect on a person and their family. Archer Solicitors have a long history of representing clients in the High Court in relation to medical negligence cases. Recently, we represented a client who obtained £300,000 as a result of medical negligence. Regardless of the value of your case, you will receive an excellent service from Archer Solicitors from the first day of giving instructions to the successful conclusion of your case.
Over the last 20 years Archer Solicitors have gained expertise in representing clients who have been the victims of abuse. At the present time we have cases representing individuals who were abused as children whilst in the care of the institutions as far back as the 1950’s.
We have obtained compensation on behalf of clients not only in respect of the physical abuse inflicted upon them but also in relation to the impact their experiences as children have had on their future financial earnings. Archer Solicitors also represent clients who have been neglected and abused in homes run by Social Services and the State.
In this digital age, the public is often directed to internet sites which encourage them to make Wills 'online'. This can lead to catastrophic consequences for the beneficiaries of estates after the death of their loved ones. At Archer Solicitors, we offer a full Will writing service which is both professional and reflects our insight into the needs and expectations of clients. Furthermore we regularly deal with applications to the High Court for Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration so that the inheritance process runs smoothly for all concerned. If your loved one has not made a Will and you have a query about the estate left behind, do not hesitate to contact our office.